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Entrepreneurship Course
Rebel - Jóvenes Capibara

Entrepreneurship programme with an emotional regulation component that took part during Nov-Dec of 2022. A ten-day course in which attendees learned to kickstart or grow their entrepreneurship projects without falling into debt, by selling their products/services and by managing their own emotions.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-12-16 a la(s) 8.57.21 a. m..png

Number of participants

*Average attendance out of 10

47% Higher than global average

*During the course
Global average for 2021 was 22.74% 
"My main takeaway from this experience is knowing that I don't need to have the most ingenious idea or the most innovative project to begin with but rather that I can start my business without any money and by starting with what I already have at my disposal. I take with me some wonderful tools to help me regulate my emotions on a daily basis, which is something I also needed to learn. Taking the first step is all I need, just completing my first sale, experimenting without fearing failure since I will learn a lot just from that and I will save a lot of money by doing it that way."

Adianez Marcano


*In the history of their business
*From their business
Global average for 2021 was 14.10% 
Categoría del emprendimiento (1)-01.jpg
"Keep on growing, keep on opening the eyes of everyone you can. What you do is lacking in the world we live in, people that believe that things can be done differently, I do believe that Rebel and Capibara are the perfect pairing".

Mayra Conde

Impact in soft skills

Confidence in myself and in my project

47% Increase

Ability to get things done

46% Increase

Being proactive and taking action

44% Increase

Global average for confidence increase in 2021 was 32.78%

Personal impact


38% Increase

Being persistent to achieve my goals

43% Increase

Ability to experiment 

49% Increase

Global average for happiness increase in 2021 was 26.41% 

Networking - Confidence in getting support for my business within my neighbourhood or social circle 

53% Increase

Ability to get things done starting from what I have

52% Increase

Confidence doing pitch or selling

38% Increase


How likely are you to recommend Rebel Business School to your colleagues, friends or family?


Course promotion




Visits to registration site

“What I liked most about the course was the way in which we were taught  to start without an investment since this is not very common in this sort of start-up programmes."

Estefany Villasmil Morles


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